The Ailing planet questions and answers, NCERT Snapshots

Class 11th English Literature

The Chapter “The Ailing planet” from NCERT Snapshot Class 11th, the CBSE board. Below you can find The Ailing planet Questions and Answers. Let’s get started.

Short Questions and Answers

1. When was the Green movement started? What was its aim?

Answer: It was in 1972 that the Green movement started by the world’s first nation circle green party in New Zealand. Its aim is to shift the focus from the mechanistic view to a holistic and ecological view of the world.

2. Where in ties the significance of the Green movement?

Answer: Green movement makes people aware that our world is not a machine. It makes them think about the earth as a living organism that feels suffocated. The earth has its own metabolic needs that people have begun to realize even though bit speaks of the importance of the Green movement.

3. What is the Holistic and ecological view of the world?

Answer: The holistic and ecological view of the world means that the earth is a living organism an enormous being of which we are part. It has its own metabolic needs and vital process which must be respected and preserved.

4. Why is the earth compared to a patient?

Answer: The author is very sad to note that the greed of man has resulted in the depletion of the vital procession of the earth. The earth is like a patient whose condition is worsening without strength and a life-supporting system.

5. What do you mean by sustainable development?

Answer: This concept was started in 1987 b the world commission on environment and development. It means the concept of development that meets the needs of the present but not at the cost of the needs of future generations.

6. What is the new awareness that had downed upon the modern man?

Answer: The modern man has now come to realize that he has to shift from a system based on the domination of the earth to one of partnership. He now values the policy of co-existence with millions of living species.

7. What is catastrophic depletion according to the author?

Answer: Catastrophic depletion is a dangerous depletion or domination of the forest in India over the last four decades. India is using its forest at a rate of 3.7 million acres a year. The actual loss is about 8 times more than the official data.

8. What does the author mean to say by Transcending concern?

Answer: The Transcending concern means the concern which leads to any petty concerns.

9. What is the view of Mr Edger S Woolard chairman of Du port?

Answer: Edger S Woolard says that industry has a vital role to play in saving the environment. He calls himself the companies chief environmental officer. He means to say that every manufacturer should excel in environmental performance.

10. What is does Margaret Thatcher means when she says, “No Generation as a freehold on Research. All we have is a life tenancy with a full repairing lease”?

Answer: Margaret Thatcher means to say that no generation of humanity has the full and absolute right to dominate others on the earth. Everybody has to live here only as a tenant, full responsibility to repair the damage done to the earth.


The Ailing Planet: Long Questions and Answers

Question 1: “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes, and an ailing environment”?

Answer: With the unchecked increase in the global population the four main biological systems fisheries, forests grassland, and cropland are under severe pressure. Overfishing is common. Forests are being destroyed for firewood has also called new houses. Thousands of species are facing extinction. Forest lands are turning into deserts. The global temperature is on the rise. It is rightly said that forest ensures man’s survival whereas the desert follows the annihilation of life if we do not make ways they are sure to leave for the future generations. A planet with growing deserts, poor croplands, and an environment in an unhealthy condition. It would be plain injustice to those who would have suffered because of our callousness and greed.

Question 2: “We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children” Explain.

Answer: It is fortunate that a new world vision has begun to emerge a new era of responsibility has inhered that no generation of humanity has absolute rights to dominate others on Earth. Everybody has the responsibility to save this planet from deterioration. We must think of the future generation. We cannot go on exploiting the resources available to use in a way that nothing is left for our children. The environment must not be followed to go from bad to worse. This planet is an inheritance to be preserved for future generations. It would be a crime if we leave for others a shared planet with a growing no. of deserts.

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